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  • solveigo

Muscular Dysphonia?! Jaw Arthritis?!

So, I haven't been able to sing high...trauma for a soprano. I was gung ho about getting going on a new adventure/singing-path, and then...wham!

In the Winter of 2022/Spring of 2023, I suddenly had no high notes. I felt hoarse constantly and when I tried to sing high, it felt like I was choking. Nothing came out. I thought it would feel better if I just didn't! I finally went to see an ENT. I've been a long time sufferer of acid reflux and was hopeful that would be it? Something with a solution...the ENT was incredibly dismissive, looked at me like I was crazy, and told me I needed to practice more (I've since found many articles about how doctors gaslight women). Needless to say, things did not get better. I had an endoscopy that showed acid reflux but no cord damage. Around the same time, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my jaw (who knew that was thing!) I have a wonderful specialist here in Colorado Springs who has given me hyaluronic acid shots every few months, which is so helpful. I thought perhaps that was the root of my problems. I can open my mouth wider, but the voice did not come back. I was able to make it through some lower voiced gigs, but unfortunately, had to cancel quite a few things. I felt too embarrassed to go back to see another ENT, but finally gave in this last spring...a whole year later. This time I found a helpful, kind doctor, who immediately recognized muscular issues likely caused by a long ago virus (Covid?). I have since found a wonderful woman in Denver who is giving me hope for the first time in two years! I've gone from forced phonation to feeling confident again. My low and middle range is solid, and I am experimenting a lot with musical theater and roles that fit my age. I am feeling encouraged that I will again return to the operatic stage, but one step at a time.

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